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Our strength lies in our organisation: four departments entirely dedicated to the customer, capable of collaborating with each other in an agile and transversal manner to provide a 360 degrees service.

R&D, Project Management, Data Analysis and Quality Service work closely together to understand the context, analyse the data and develop solutions, drawing on our expertise in transport and sustainable mobility.
A project manager will support each client to ensure the achievement of the expected results and the optimisation of its mobility performance (people and vehicles), including through the reorganisation of business activities.

An entire multifunctional team dedicated to the customer starting with our CEO

Moby4all Marchio

Cristina Pronello


Cristina Pronello, CEO of Mobyforall, is a leading figure in the mobility sector. Well known in numerous international contexts, she has chosen to devote her knowledge and experience to optimising solutions for our clients.

An exceptional curriculum at your service

After years of teaching and research on the subject, Cristina has built up a company with many different experiences in the field of mobility and so-called Intelligent Transport Systems with a profound knowledge of the environmental and social impacts of transport systems, thanks also to research and surveys on mobility behaviour.
She has always been present in numerous international contexts and has chosen to devote its efforts to optimising solutions for our customers.

Professor at the Polytechnic of Turin, at the Department of Science, Planning and Territorial Policy, where he coordinates the TRIS (Transport Research for Innovation and Sustainability) research group on innovative and sustainable transport. He is also a member of the departmental big data and data science laboratory SmartData@PoliTO.
She was a professor at the Sorbonne Universités (UTC) as holder of the chair of "Intelligent Transport Systems and Territorial Dynamics", and at the Université Lumière Lyon2, where she worked in the laboratory of Economie des Transports (LET), now LAET (Laboratoire d'Economie et Amenagement de Territoire).
He was a member of the Board of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA until 2021, and chaired the Agenzia della Mobilità Piemontese in the period 2016-2018.
He has taken part in numerous research activities coordinating projects in the fields of transport planning and policy, travel behaviour, ITS, and environmental impact from transport and public mobility.
She won the TRA VISIONS 2020 award for the cross-modal section of the competition awarded to transport innovators who have carried out high-impact research funded by the EU.

He has extensive international experience in the field of transport research:
- National expert in the Transport Programme Committee of the European Commission (2012-2014);
 - Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of JPI Urban Europe (2012-2018);
 - Chair of the COST Transport and Urban Development Sector Committee (2006-2014);
 - Member of ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes) since 2003 where he served on the board from 2005 to 2013;
 - Member of the US TRB Committee on International Activities until 2018;
 - Member of Research Innovation Implementation Management Committee and Women's Issues in Transportation.
 - Member of the EU Evaluator/Review Expert database within Horizon 2020, 7th FP (Framework Program for Research), ERANET, ESF, ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche de France);
 - Member of the MIUR (Ministry for University and Research), of AERES now HCERES (Haut Conseil à l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur), and FQRSC (Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture).

Mobility prospects

A brief analysis of the role of Car Sharing within mobility services and its relationship with local public transport.

Magazine: Progetto Manager - il mensile di Federmanager
Authors: Cristina Pronello

Data Analyst

Ximena Garzon Ruiz

Ximena's background is dedicated to big data analysis and process efficiency through deep learning and image processing techniques in different contexts, from Pirelli to international trucking companies.

She studied Industrial Engineering and ICT for Smart Societies, as well as a master’s in Manufacturing Data Analysis.

R&D Manager

Deepan Anbarasan

Responsible for technical development, Deepan has a great ability to analyse and respond to the technological needs of each project. Over the years he has gained experience in the use of ICT for research on personal mobility patterns and in transport in general.

Graduated in ICT for Smart Societies, he has worked for Tata Consultancy, Woolworths Ltd and the Politecnico di Torino.

Transportation Specialist

Alessandra Boggio Marzet

Alessandra is a member of the Transport Research for Innovation and Sustainability (TRIS) research group at the Politecnico di Torino. She is an expert in efficient and sustainable mobility and her work includes mobility projects focusing on the energy and operational efficiency of both passengers and goods vehicles. Her experience on the subject offers a holistic perspective on the progress of projects.

Graduated in Civil Engineering with a Master in Infrastructures and Transportation Systems, she completed an international PhD in Civil Engineering Systems (Transport) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). She was a visiting researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) and currently works as a researcher at the Politecnico di Torino (Italy).

Quality Services Manager

Gianni Andreotti

With thirty years' experience in the field of organisational consultancy, he contributes to the development of a customer service culture based on emotional intelligence and teamwork. He ensures fluidity and quality in the organisation of work and the development of each Mobyforall project.

Graduated in Organisational and Work Psychology, he has worked with TOD'S, L'Oréal, Iveco, Martini and Agusta Westland, among other companies, and has his own consulting company.


Panel - "Che aria tira ad Asti?"

Il 27 marzo 2022 ad Asti si è tenuto un incontro per parlare del cambiamento climatico e del tema della transizione ecologica. Al panel sono intervenuti Maurizio Pallante, saggista italiano e divulgatore scientifico, Eleonora Evi, co-portavoce nazionale di Europa Verde e Cristina Pronello, Professore Ordinario di Trasporti al Politecnico di Torino, esperta di mobilità e comportamento degli utenti.

Panel - Union de Transportes Publiques et Ferroviaires

Colloque UTP 1er mars 2022 #PFUE - Google Foto

Intervista - "Covid-19, local public transport and sustainable mobility"

Durante la seconda ondata di Covid-19, Cristina Pronello, Professore Ordinario al Politecnico di Torino, ha discusso le aspettative e le strategie adottate dalle aziende di trasporto, affrontando i punti di forza e le sfide della mobilità sostenibile.